A leading Wealth Management Jurisdiction

A principal feature of Geneva Trust is the indisputable credibility of its domicile, Anguilla. A British Overseas Territory with full internal governance, Anguilla is part of the British West Indies with a constitutional status similar to the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. Although self-governing, the Constitution gives the British appointed Governor as ‘HM’ The Queen's representative certain fundamental reserve powers.


The law of Anguilla is a combination of common law and statute, and is based heavily upon English Common law. Law in Anguilla tends to be a combination of the very old and the very new. As an offshore financial centre, Anguilla has a number of extremely modern statutes dealing with company law, insolvency, banking law, trust law, insurance and other related matters. It has adopted the ISDA model netting law.

The court system is administered by the Magistrate's Court, the High Court and the Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court of Justice, with a final right of appeal to the Privy Council in the UK.

Anguilla is located in the Northeastern Caribbean directly east of Puerto Rico and 5 miles north of the French/Dutch island of Saint Martin. Geographically it is situated at 18 degrees north and 63 degrees west and is the most northerly of the Leeward Islands. It is a common law legal system, based on English law, with a liberalised telecommunications system and a high-end tourism industry.


Anguilla is a prominent and sophisticated international financial centre for banking, insurance, mutual funds and trusts. Its reputation for excellence is its greatest strength, making it a major role player in international finance. The importance of Anguilla is reflected in the presence on the Island of leading financial institutions which are well served by a professional infrastructure of banks, trust companies, law firms and accountants. A comprehensive regulatory environment, specifically framed to meet the legitimate requirements of business and finance, provides for the domiciliation of international business companies, domestic companies, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, trusts and offshore banks. It also makes provision for mutual funds, protected cell companies and captive and domestic insurance companies.

There are no income, capital gains, estate, profit or other forms of direct taxation on either individuals or corporations, whether resident in Anguilla or not.  

As a globally oriented financial centre, Anguilla has a vital interest in the enforcement of internationally recognized standards to prevent abuse of financial markets. It has progressively introduced robust legislation in the field of due diligence and money-laundering, obliging financial service providers to adhere to these high standards. Ultimately it is our clients, above all, who benefit.


Anguilla’s Commercial Online Registration Network (ACORN) is a state of the art online company registration network, which allows trust companies to incorporate companies and other entities electronically. Users of the system can also transact other registry activities and file documents with the Companies Registry electronically. Using ACORN, companies can be incorporated instantly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Along with its reputation as a well-regulated jurisdiction, it makes Anguilla truly ‘Excellent for Business’.


The Financial Services Commission’s website lists all regulated banks and trust companies, which may be accessed at anguillafsc.com/directory.htm. Details of trust companies are available on anguillafsc.com/b_trusts.htm.


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